Podalot Episode 2: “Land Grab Universities”
with Tristan Ahtone and Maria Parazo Rose
Announcing Podalot – The Aydelotte Podcast
A podcast facilitating conversations about critical investigations into higher education and the liberal arts.
DeColonizing American Colonial/Environmental/ Imperial Racisms and Racialized Capitalism
A Book Launch and Discussion moderated by James Fenelon
Transnational Solidarities, Diplomatic Endeavors, and International History
A Roundtable on Researching and Writing Histories that Cross Borders
At Berkeley: A Timeline
What happened before, during, and after Frederick Wiseman's documentary about UC Berkeley
A Chat about Permanent Crisis
We discuss the recent book by Paul Reitter and Chad Wellmon.
A Guide to the Discourse About Liberal Education
Some of our observations on the discursive categories we've identified.