Swarthmore College

DeColonizing American Colonial/Environmental/Imperial Racisms and Racialized Capitalism

Launching and discussion of a new book: Indian, Black and Irish: Indigenous Nations, African Peoples and European Invasions, 1492 – 1790
by James V. Fenelon (Routledge, 2023)

Friday, April 28th
2:30 to 4pm
Science Center 101

Social change leaders, scholars and students will be discussing this work, from shared human and experiential perspectives (for a world beset by wars and planetary threats of nuclear triggers and global climate change).

Panel of Speakers:
Manley Begay, Professor of Indigenous Studies, Northern Arizona University
Barbara Thelamour, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Swarthmore College
Michael Wilson Becerrill, Visiting Assistant Professor in Peace & Conflict Studies, Swarthmore College
Seth Jeter ‘25, Student Research Assistant, Swarthmore College

Discussion is encouraged and a few books will be available for those in attendance.
Link to webinar registration for those that can’t make it in person.

Indian, Black and Irish: Indigenous Nations, African Peoples and European Invasions, 1492-1790 traces 500 years of European-American colonization and racialized dominance, expanding our common assumptions about the ways racialization was used to build capitalism and the modern world-system.

Professor Fenelon draws on personal experience and the agency of understudied Native (and African) resistance leaders, to weave a story too often hidden or distorted in the annals of the academy, that remains invisible at many universities and historical societies. The book identifies three epochs of racial constructions, colonialism, and capitalism that created the USA. Indigenous nations, the first to be racialized on a global scale, African peoples, enslaved and brought to the Americas, and European immigrants. It offers a sweeping analysis of the forces driving the invasion, occupation, and exploitation of Native America and the significance of labor in American history provided by Indigenous people, Africans, and immigrants, specifically the Irish.

Indian, Black and Irish makes major contributions toward a deeper understanding of where Supremacy and Sovereignty originated from, and how our modern world has used these socio-political constructions, to build global hegemony that now threatens our very existence, through wars and climate change. It will be a vital resource to those studying history, colonialism, race and racism, labor history, and indigenous peoples.

Scan this code for additional book information from the publisher.


March 15, 2023