Swarthmore College

Just Art: Anti-Racist Feminist Practice 

The Aydelotte Foundation is pleased to announce the 2024-25 class of Faculty Fellows:

  • Jamal Batts, Black Studies
  • Paloma Checa-Gismero, Art History 
  • Sony Devabhaktuni, Art
  • Katie Price, Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility
  • Marshall Smith, Black Studies and Francophone Studies
  • Isaiah Wooden, Theater

Faculty Fellows will participate in the Faculty Seminar Just Art: Anti-racist Feminist Practice. Patricia White, Aydelotte Director, and Dahlia Li, CFD Postdoctoral Fellow in Gender and Sexuality Studies will serve as conveners of the seminar. 

The Faculty Seminar is intended to provide a space where ideas, questions, and analysis about the topic can be explored, tested, challenged, and refined. The seminar will meet regularly during the fall 2024 semester, providing an opportunity for rich interdisciplinary engagement. 
