The Aydelotte Foundation and the Center for Innovation and Leadership Present
Leadership in the Public Sector: Pioneering Behavioral Public Policy
A Panel discussion with Syon Bhanot, Shibeal O’Flaherty and Michael Sanders
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
7pm Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall, Swarthmore College
Behavioral economics has grown in prominence over the last two decades. The field argues that we ought to view people not as rational and self-interested (as is assumed in many economic models), but rather as “systematically irrational” in ways that have crucial policy implications. Indeed, there are now hundreds of policy-focused organizations around the world – governments, nonprofits, businesses, and international organizations – that have integrated behavioral economics into their work. In this event, Swarthmore Professor Syon Bhanot, Shibeal O’Flaherty, and Professor Michael Sanders from King’s College London will discuss their new book, Behavioral Public Policy in a Global Context. Their book elevates the “behind the scenes” stories of dozens of pioneers in behavioral public policy, from large organizations like the World Bank, the WHO, and the United Nations to smaller ones like MDRC, BCG, Rare, and the Busara Center. The three speakers will speak in particular about their own roles as leaders in the behavioral public policy movement, through their work with the UK and US governments and the City of Philadelphia, among others.
Limited copies of Behavioral Public Policy in a Global Context will be distributed at the event
The event is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served. Presented as part of the CIL’s Leadership in Practice series and as a Scholarly Promotion event supported by the Aydelotte Foundation and Swarthmore College Libraries.
List of Events
Public Event: ECON 055 (Behavioral Economics) Class Visit: “Behavioral Science and Public Policy: Our Journeys”
11:20am-12:10pm and 1:15pm-2:05pm (same presentation in both)
Singer Hall Flex Space (034/035)
Students only: Small Group Open Lunch: “Talking Shop: Graduate School and Careers in Applied Social Science”
Location TBD
Invite Only (limited by capacity): to express interest please email Syon Bhanot at
Public Event: “Leadership in the Public Sector: Pioneering Behavioral Public Policy”
Location: Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall
Open to the Public
Limited free copies of the book will be distributed!
Refreshments will be served
Public Event: ECON 055 (Behavioral Economics) Class Visit: “Behavioral Science and Public Policy: The Path Forward”
11:20am-12:10pm and 1:15pm-2:05pm (same presentation in both)
Singer Hall Flex Space (034/035)
Open to the Public
Students only: 1-on-1’s with Shibeal O’Flaherty
Shibeal O’Flaherty can meet with students (1:1 or in small groups) for 20-minute slots between 2:30-4pm on Tuesday, April 30. Please feel free to reach out to her at to book a slot!