Swarthmore College

Marissa Davis, Age 29

“Bridging gaps across differences by leading with empathy.”

Co-Founder, Adopt a Degree

Location: Brooklyn, NY


Marissa Marissa is a bridge-figure, social engineer and advocate for creating sustainable pathways to a better quality of life for historically disenfranchised communities. She has developed leadership, program and community building expertise across multiple sectors, including law, public policy, social entrepreneurship and technology. She is currently leveraging some of those towards her own venture as Co-Founder of Adopt a Degree, which provides tuition support for tertiary level students in financial hardship and at risk of dropping out. She is also an Adjunct Lecturer at City College’s Colin Powell School for Civic and Global leadership where she teaches a course on social entrepreneurship.

MPP, Public Policy, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government

BA, History, Spanish and Religion, Swarthmore College


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